Showing 1–12 of 172 results

Ankle Exerciser

Product Description

Accredited for our extensive range of products, we also offer Physiotherapy Ankle Exerciser at the most reasonable cost.  

Auxillary Crutches

Product Description

Axillary Crutches Code : WA05   Description:
  • These crutches are lighter and more durable than wooden one
  • Soft padded,anatomically shaped,hand grip with a flat top for enhanced user comfort and pleasure
  • Easy height adjustment
  Indications :
  • Underarm crutches are used most often by people with permanent disability or injury which make one leg completely incapable of giving any support to the upper part of the body


  •         Device with wheels
  •       Display Color Touch Screen 8’
  •       Pressure 1-5 Bar max
  •       Frequency 1-20 Hz max
  •       31 stored protocols, 200 protocols storable in the internal ,memory and more in the USB

BMI – 1251 RUN Medical Programmable With Belt Width 70 cm

- 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive; - PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, OS Linux;- USB output; - RS232 output (Trackmaster protocol);- Forward / reverse speed;- Forward speed 0.1 / 25.0 km/h; - Reverse speed 0.1 / 5.0 km/h;- Speed Increment 0.1 km/h;- Inclination Max 30%;- Inclination Min 0%;


BMI – 1210 HIGH LOW TILT TABLE - Uses Standing using the tilt table allows a patient to be passively tilted to varying angles to the horizontal and is hypothesized to increase ventilation, increase arousal, improve weight bearing of the lower limbs, and facilitate antigravity exercise of the limbs.

BMI – 1218 Goniometer (360 degrees)

BMI – 1218 Goniometer   (360 degrees) - A goniometer is a device that measures an angle or permits rotation of an object to a definite position. In orthopedics, the former applies more. The art and science of measuring the joint ranges in each plane of the joint are called goniometry

BMI – 1252 i – MOTION

BMI – 1252  i – MOTION - Challenging and benefitting at the same time, the i-Motion offers complete training for both upper and lower body, making it the ideal trainer for hospitals, rehabilitation centers and physiotherapy clinics.


BMI – 1253  APT HI – LO DELUXE - Fully digital, the APT-5 enables complete control of speed, resistance, amount of spins and load levels.


BMI 1001  UNWEIGHING SYSTEM (MOBILITY TRAINER) -  Uses unweighing System enables partial weight-bearing therapy with open access to the patient. Offloading a percentage of body weight allows the opportunity for early rehabilitation while providing a safe environment for patient and therapist.

BMI 1008 Shortwave Diathermy- Pulsed And Continuous

BMI 1008   Shortwave Diathermy- Pulsed And Continuous - Uses high-frequency electromagnetic energy to generate heat. It may be applied in pulsed or continuous energy waves. It has been used to treat pain from kidney stones, and pelvic inflammatory disease.  

BMI 1009 Shortwave Diathermy 500 W continuous

BMI 1009   Shortwave Diathermy 500 W continuous uses high-frequency electromagnetic energy to generate heat. It may be applied in pulsed or continuous energy waves. It has been used to treat pain from kidney stones, and pelvic inflammatory disease.